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Livestream from the Magnificent Mile

I've been invited to play a solo concert at Chicago's Fourth Presbyterian Church. I'm so excited! I'll be performing a wide-ranging program with works by Debussy, Bach, Coleridge-Taylor, Shostakovich, Martin Bresnick, William Jason Raynovich, and one of my own compositions. The concert is free and can be streamed here, or watched on-demand afterwards.

I'm especially happy that this concert is the direct result of my five-year relationship with Sounds Good! Choirs of Chicago. In non-pandemic times I've been fortunate to be their lead pianist and have played many beautiful and moving concerts together with singers from all over Chicagoland in this gorgeous building. I'm excited to go back to the church as a soloist and hope to be back soon with the choirs as well. We all miss singing together so very dearly.

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